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Ep 76- Reviving Texas Capital with CEO Rob Holmes

Ep 76- Reviving Texas Capital with CEO Rob Holmes

Reviving Texas Capital with CEO Rob Holmes

In this episode of Building Texas Business, I sit down with Rob Holmes of Texas Capital Bank. Rob shares the bank’s dramatic turnaround story since he became President and CEO in 2021 amid challenges, including a failed merger.

Rob explains how Texas Capital improved its standing through strategic moves like fortifying capital levels and attracting talent from global institutions.

We explore Texas Capital’s community focus through initiatives increasing volunteerism and launching a charitable foundation. Rob highlights how their junior program brings diverse talent while nurturing a vibrant culture.

Wrapping up, Rob discusses maintaining liquidity amid regional banking stress, their strong capital position, and diversification that sets them apart.


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BTB (00:00):
Welcome to the Building Texas Business Podcast, interviews with thought leaders and organizational visionaries from across industry. Join us as we talk about the latest trends, challenges, and growth opportunities to take your business to the next level. The Building Texas Business Podcast is brought to you by BoyarMiller, providing counsel beyond expectations. Find out how we can make a meaningful difference to your business at and by your podcast team where having your own podcast is as easy as being a guest on ours. Discover more at Now. Here’s your host, Chris Hanslik.

Chris (00:42):

In this episode, you’ll meet Rob Holmes, president and CEO of Texas Capital. Rob shares an inspiring story on how Texas Capital has rebuilt itself and become the first full service financial services institution headquartered in Texas. Rob, I want to thank you for joining me here on Building Texas Business and welcome to the show.

Rob (01:04):

Thank you very much.

Chris (01:05):

Let’s start, I know you’re the CEO of Texas Capital. Tell the listeners a little bit about what Texas Capital is and the type of services it provides here in Texas.

Rob (01:14):

Great, well thank you very much for having me. So Texas Capital had a very proud founding in the late nineties by Texas business people to found a bank to serve Texas businesses with local decision making. After all, the banks failed in the late eighties and they had a very proud run and oh five went public and did very well. Then about the mid teens, we kind of started going a little sideways and by the time I got there, the bank needed to be kind of rebuilt and so we had a failed merger with a bank about a third our size of that tells you anything and really because of covid. But after that they needed new leadership. And so what we did was we started over and we went fast. So we raised a perpetual fur deal with sub debt securitization, got out of a line of business correspondent banking that attracted a lot of capital and improved the capital by about 270 basis points in about eight weeks.


And that’s my bent as we run the bank very conservatively. We also brought in a lot of new talent. So the entire operating committee is new. We have a new junior program, we can get into that later. But then we started on the journey to build, and this is kind of interesting, I think you’ll find it interesting. We’re the first full service financial services firm ever to be headquartered in Texas. And if you think about it, it makes perfect sense. So in the eighties we had Glass Eagle and stuff. You had a lot of big banks, they failed, they were replaced by larger institutions from out of state that saw this as a very attractive market. But the in market banks never went into the full service direction. So regional banks are made from community banks and they get bigger and they didn’t have the products and services, they just had NIM banks, if you will.

Chris (03:11):

Sure. Well, that’s impressive thing to have a claim to being the only one headquartered in Texas. I would not have thought that given some of the other Texas. Yeah, so I mean you’re not kidding when you said a full restart just a few years ago.

Rob (03:25):

Full restart. So we have, think about who we were able to attract, and this says more about Texas than Texas Capital, but the woman that runs treasury services for us ran treasury services for JP Morgan Chase globally. Our chief risk officer was the head of risk for JP Morgan’s investment bank and then chief risk officer for the commercial bank and then head of risk for the real estate globally. Our head of ops was a head of ops and tech for Stan O’Neill at Merrill Lynch. The CEO started the mail room, ended up reporting to this CEO head of ops and tech for Merrill Lynch. I think he can do it here, right? And that just, it keeps going. Our CHRO came from facilities. Our CIO has an impressive background. Our head of commercial banking, all of ’em had bigger jobs at much larger institutions.

Chris (04:15):

Yeah, what that tells me, Rob, is that those people saw a bright future, the business climate in Texas to make those kinds of moves to join you and doubt the Dallas headquarters.

Rob (04:27):

There’s no doubt about it. And by the way, I wouldn’t have tried this anywhere else. I mean for sure. So as you know, Texas is eighth largest economy in the world, second largest workforce, youngest workforce, fastest growing. We’ve created more jobs in 46 the last 48 months. So it’s a very attractive place to be overall,

Chris (04:48):

What was it about just speaking to you, I know you joined in 2021 that based on the career you had built to that moment where you saw this as the right opportunity for you?

Rob (05:01):

I was very happy where I was. So I was primarily in the investment bank at JP Morgan Chase, but my last 10 years I ran the large corporate bank in the commercial bank. Ended up taking that to 22 countries. So I ran that business globally. It was over 180 billion in assets. It was a third treasury, a third lending and a third investment banking, great business, great people. But when this bank kind of went sideways, I had two or three people call me and say, Hey, I’m thinking about this, would you come run it? And it surprised me. I was like, why are you calling me? But then I started looking at it and you, I’m from Texas, I commuted to New York for 25 of the 31 years that I worked for JP Morgan, but people kind of said, why don’t you come home and build something special with where you’re from?


And that through more and more dialogue became very appealing to me and I did not know, and shame on me as bad a shape as a bank was when we got there. But it ended up being a blessing because today it’d be very difficult to do what we did. I mean to have a board investor base regulators, constituents let you reinvest. We reinvested over a third of our non-interest expense and then more, and we said to the investor community and the board and others that we’re going to have negative operating leverage for about a year and a half. That’d be very hard to do in this climate. And so other thing we had to do became a blessing because you had to do it all at once. And so I’m glad that’s behind us today. The bank is, it used to have just mono banking like a community or regional bank.


Today we have segmentation. So you have business banking for small businesses, middle market banking for a little larger businesses, a little more sophistication. And then we have a corporate banking group, like a money center bank. And when you have a corporate banking group, you have to have industry expertise. So we have energy diversified, fig government, not-for-profit Healthcare, TMT and mortgage. So we have the industry expertise of any money center bank right here in Texas. And then we have private wealth and then we rebuilt all of treasury. So it’s a brand new bank. So we rebuilt, we have the new payments platform, new lockbox, new card, new merchant, new digital onboarding that we came up with. And so people say that banks can’t compete on technology with the big banks, but we can. We have one platform. Those big banks have many platforms because they’re a combination of many banks. We go in that if you want, and then we have asset, private wealth, investment banking, and we can go into as many of those areas you want. So you

Chris (07:53):

Basically built it, like you said, for as businesses are coming to Texas, you’re ready to serve whatever need they

Rob (08:00):

Have for sure. So we want to be very relevant to our clients and we are a one-stop shop, so you want outgrow us. We were a top 10 arranger of bank debt for middle market companies in the country last year. We sole managed the largest sole managed debt deal in the country last year after our money center bank failed their client, our sales, the first institutional sales and trading floor built in Texas. I’ve been told in 40 years we’ve done about 110 billion of notional trades in about 18 months. It’s profitable.

Chris (08:32):

What’s your vision for the future then for Texas Capital and how are you working to achieve

Rob (08:37):

That? It’s actually pretty simple. It’s maturing the platform that we built. So we are the number one lender to Texas-based businesses of any Texas-based bank. Now that’s new. We’ve had a tremendous success. Business owners and decision love, the local decision making. They love the fact that when they hire us, they’re getting a very talented experienced MD working for them instead of maybe at a money center bank or whatever, a VP or something assigned to it. They just like the local decision making, local access. But the go forward strategy, people ask me this all the time, what’s next? And they think that we have a big bang answer. The big bang answer is delighting clients and banking the best clients in our markets. And we’ve always said, or I’ve always said, will be defined by our clients. And so we have been blessed to have clients be attracted to the strategy and platform. So we’re going to just do more of what we’ve done.

Chris (09:43):

So what I like about that strategy is the simplicity. I think there’s a lesson there for entrepreneurs and other business owners and what you’ve done in the last few years and that to me is get the foundation right and your core

Rob (09:56):

Right? Correct. And

Chris (09:57):

Then do the fundamentals really well. It’s blocking and tackling is what you’re doing.

Rob (10:02):

It’s executing now for sure. And I had one CEO of a very renowned New York financial firm asked if they come see me, they had heard about what we were doing and he wanted to understand it because we actually, we took what he would say was the very best person from his sales and trading floor who had been there 18 years and he didn’t understand how we could attract that person because that person drove a U-Haul to Dallas with his wife and kids before we were even open. And he said, tell me your strategy. And I went through it. And to be honest with you, I was hoping he would like it. I was pretty long the strategy. And so he did. And I said, what do you think? He said, I think y’all are going to be very successful. And this was early on. And I said, why is that?


He said, do you have a differentiated strategy with differentiated talent in a differentiated market? And I think that’s true. But then he said, what do you think? And I said, well, our talent’s really, this is back in 21 now we’ve done all these things, but I said the talent’s really good, but we’ve got to do everything with this jersey on now delight our clients with TCB Jersey, not another jersey. And he said, look, Rob, do it once. It’ll be hard. Do it three times. You’ll be good. The fifth time you’re an expert and he’s pretty renowned. It was a pretty simple lesson, but it is kind of true. And now we have done it and we are good at what we’re doing, but we still can mature the platform, that treasury platform we talked about, it’s literally second to none. We’re doing open banking for clients, we’re doing a digital onboarding.


You can open a commercial account tomorrow, any money center bank that’d take eight weeks or six weeks. But that platform to scale to get the most out of it, we could run it without any more investment for five years. So we got to scale the business and by the way, it’s happening. So that treasury platform is, it’s called P times V price times volume. That’s how many transactions are going through the factory or warehouse financial transactions. That’s usually for a bank. It’s a 2% business at best. It grows the economy, it grows with GDP, we’re going 17% quarter over quarter year, quarter after quarter. That’s remarkable because of new clients moving to the platform. So it is scaling, but we just need to continue to do that.

Chris (12:19):

Right. So you talked about the platform a couple of times. What type of, I guess technology or emerging technologies do you see having the biggest impact in the banking industry over the next say three to five years?

Rob (12:32):

I think real-time payments, I think open banking and people don’t really understand what open banking is. What open banking is. It’s actually very simple. So think, well here’s a very one simple way. Part of it is you don’t have to leave your internal financial platform to go to our platform. We’ll put an API on yours and so you can just push a button and be into our system and send a CH or wire or what. So I think ai, I think open banking and I think real-time payments.

Chris (13:05):

Okay. Well I can speak from experience as we transitioned to Texas Capital a year ago and to your point of the ease of that transition and being able to deal with decision makers made it seamless.

Rob (13:18):

Good. Well

Chris (13:18):

Thank you. It’s been a great relationship for us for sure.

Rob (13:21):

Good. Well

Chris (13:22):

Thank you. I can attest to that what you’re saying is true. Well,

Rob (13:24):

Thank you. Let’s talk

Chris (13:25):

A little bit about where you see corporate leadership, whether that’s your C-suite or just the company as it exists, and community impact. What type of initiatives is Texas Capital working on to be a meaningful member of the community?

Rob (13:41):

Yeah, well thank you very much for the easy pitch. So I think we bet way above our weight in community impact. So we do tens of thousands of hours of employee volunteer in the community. We as part of this transformation when we were investing in the platform, we took time to also found our first foundation. We never had a foundation before. So we have a foundation and we do volunteer hours and we were part of the group that bought Opal Lee new house. We were the first one to open a branch in West Dallas. We gave the founding seed money for Southern Gateway in Dallas. We’re big supporters of rodeo here in Houston last year. I think we sponsored the opening night. So I think you’re going to see us pretty much all over the state of Texas in terms of giving and more than just money, but time, resources, expertise to philanthropies.


We also a great event about three weeks ago, people came from all over the country and it was for veterans and we had veteran, not-for-profits and we had veteran-owned businesses and we just brought ’em together and talked about issues and how they could work together and synergies between the two and advancing veterans on a go forward basis. And the people that came would just, it blow you away and the people and the feedback of it. I happened to be out of town on a three day weekend afterwards out of the country and somebody approached me and I didn’t know and they didn’t know me, but I guess they see my picture or something and they faked me for having that veteran event. And so it had a far impact. It will do things like that. We have a nonprofit event in every city, getting nonprofits together, helping them learn how to raise money and trade best practices. We do that and we’ll do that in every city during the summer. Our giving’s good. Our volunteer hours are fantastic. Our sharing of expertise is good, our investment in the community is great.

Chris (15:51):

Good. Let’s circle back to, because that kind of made me think of team building. So you talked about basically a wholesale change with the team around you. What are some of the things that you look for to make sure you’re through that recruiting and hiring process that you’re getting the right person for the position?

Rob (16:11):

So this is a great question and this was the key to what we’ve done so far and how we’re going to reach our 25 goals. So in September 21 when we announced a strategic plan, which was pretty dramatic, we said we’re not going to achieve our financial goals until 25. With that came a lot of change and a lot of talent. So 80% of the people at the firm are new since I got there as 80% of over 2000 people. So that’s a lot of change managing through a lot of change through a transformation through a regional regional banking practice that I’d love to talk about. Regional banking practice, regional banking, stress that I’d love to talk about transformation. So there’s a lot going on there both internally and externally that we had to manage through. And what we did is we started the top and the bottom. So we put new leadership with new skill sets and new expectations and new goals of banking the best clients in our markets instead of just being a bank, et cetera. And we also started junior program. It was the first junior program in the history of the bank.

Chris (17:24):

You mentioned that earlier. So tell us a little more about the junior program.

Rob (17:26):

It’s awesome if you have a kid and they want to get into finance and they don’t want to go to New York, but they want to work at a great financial services firm to have ’em join us. So we post us in, I got there in January 21, nobody’s in the office. We’d just been through this internal stress with the failed merger, new CEO, the whole bit. I said, we need a junior program. We posted 60 positions, we got 800 applications, we hired 60 something. A third of those had their masters that wasn’t required. The average GPA was over 3 7 4. So it is a, people love the top talent. What we’re doing the next year, there’s over like 2000 applicants and our junior program is great. And by the way, I helped build one in the investment bank in my last firm and one in the commercial bank in my last firm.


I thought they were both very good. This one’s awesome. So you come in, you go through four or five months of training and then you go into your line of business, but we probably hired you after your internship the summer before, if that makes sense. Sure. The program has some of the diverse classes I’ve ever seen in banking and we didn’t do that. This may be controversial. We do that on purpose. We do that because we hire the best people and they’re the most diverse classes. And so we’re really excited about that. And then the attrition rate there isn’t nearly what we thought it’d be. We built it for a higher attrition rate. Those kids usually leave a large percentage after third year, they’re not leaving, they like it. So that’s been kind of fun. It’s a

Chris (19:03):

Good problem.

Rob (19:04):

It’s a great problem and we’ll use all of them. And by the way, after that change, you should just know the attrition stuff is dramatically slowed as a transformation slowed. We got all the talent and people in place that we needed. So we are ahead of corporate America finance and Texas companies for attrition and excited about that in the new culture here.

Chris (19:29):

Hello friends, this is Chris Hanzlik, your building Texas business host. Did you know that Boyer Miller, the producer of this podcast is a business law firm that works with entrepreneurs, corporations and business leaders. Our team of attorneys serve as strategic partners to businesses by providing legal guidance to organizations of all sizes. Get to know the and thanks for listening to the show. Well, and that low attrition rate leads to what you talked about earlier, better customer experience, even more stability in relationship

Rob (20:06):

Stability. Everybody needs stability. Yeah,

Chris (20:09):

For sure. Okay, so you mentioned that regional banking stress. Tell me what you referring to about

Rob (20:14):

That. Yeah, last spring of 23 failed first Republic and the like. We were fortunate, so November of 22 we sold a business to Truist for three and a half billion dollars with a very big premium on it. With the sale of that, we became, if you compare us to any a hundred billion bank or above in the country or any Texas public bank, we have the third most capital. And I think in the next quarters we’ll have the second most, but third and we’re number one in equity tan common equity assets. So the least levered we have third most capital, our highly liquid assets are like 29%. Our cash in securities, our A OCI problem, which is the mark on the bond portfolio. Banks are struggling with that. We’re very good there. So our capital, our liquidity, et cetera, was very strong. So we didn’t experience outflows of deposits or anything.


What we did experience was a rotation like every bank in the country from non-interest bearing deposits to interest bearing deposits. So all banks, if you want to call it this cost of good sold went up. But the regional banks trust, the reason I wanted to come back and talk about that, people call it a regional banking crisis, it not, it had to do with certain banks were of the size that they define regional banks that had the wrong strategy, the wrong concentrations, and they failed. That’s not because they’re regional banks, they just happen to be that size. By the way, credit Suisse failed too and as a global bank. So I think

Chris (21:54):

This is where sometimes where the media gets the message wrong and puts fear into the market and they

Rob (22:00):

Love it and they love it. And so I’m really proud of what the regional banks do and how they serve the clients in market and their local communities giving back to their communities, being main street lenders. And I’m really proud of how we do that. I think I told you before we went on the air, we’re the number one lender to Texas-based businesses of any Texas-based bank. That’s a big deal because these money center banks, they may be in the state or super regionals in the state or even regionals in the state, but if they decide, oh, you know what, it’s not okay to bank an energy company. They don’t, well guess what? We have those decisions here. We don’t have somebody else deciding our social norms. Right.

Chris (22:41):

That’s a great selling point. Going back to the junior program and this new team, let’s talk about culture. So how would you define the culture at Texas Capital and what do you think you’ve done to kind foster that and what do you see as necessary to keep it growing?

Rob (22:58):

I think the culture is transparent, curious, candid, and relentless dissatisfaction as my general counsel calls it. So look, we’ve made a lot of change. We’ll continue to make a lot of change. We just hired somebody to run public finance for us. We didn’t have that before we started into the foray of public equity research and oil and gas. We’re going to keep growing and building, doing things that serve our clients and our clients’ needs. But the one thing that we kind of talk about a lot is, and I’ll say it a little softer, is just no drugs allowed. You can talk about Ivy League culture and they have big words, but the simple thing is we’re going to treat people with respect, period. Now you can be tough and you can be hard, but you got to be fair and you got to be polite and you can have high expectations while being compassionate. So we have high expectations and we are moving fast, but we do treat people with respect and we like working with one another. And that’s been part of the fun is we’ve been in office because we think that’s how you build a career and not a job and that’s how you collaborate to serve your client and that’s what’s best for our clients and best for our employees. And we like being with one another. We don’t want to work remote from a beach and not share life’s experiences with our colleagues.

Chris (24:31):

Yeah, couldn’t agree more. I mean we got back to the office in May of 2020 I believe, and my partners here. You’re a part of an organization for a reason. Organizations are a group of people together, right? Correct. And we learn from each other. We can collaborate in a customer service related industry like you and I are in, the customer does better when we’re collaborating to serve them. And we do that when we’re together hands down, no question. And you, we’ve been in office in person for a while now and then you read as much as I do for the last six, seven months. You just see the pendulum swinging back because that’s right. The other organizations are realizing they’re losing customer satisfaction, they’re losing engagement with their people. You can’t have a culture if you’re not together in my view. Or you actually, you can’t have a culture, it’s just not a healthy one

Rob (25:25):

In my view. Yeah, it’s really bad. Right. So look, looking back, it seems like a really easy decision back. And by the way, I was back in the office in 2022, but at this room, I didn’t get there until January 21. Nobody’s back to the

Chris (25:37):

Office. You meant 22 as well.

Rob (25:38):

Yes, I did. I did, I did. Excuse me, I did. But I got here 21, we went back to office Memorial Day, the Tuesday actual memorial day of 21 and it was a harder decision then. It seems easy now because even the day before, there was rumors of everybody in our ops organization that they were going to protest and walk out at 9 0 1 and we decided, we made a conscious decision that this was what they’re going to do and we wanted the people that wanted to be in the office and we may lose some people and that’s fine and it would be harder in the short term, but the people that would be attracted to the platform and the business and us would be people that wanted careers, not jobs. And by definition, those are the better employees and I think those people attract those people and that’s how we were able to transform so much while other people were sitting at home.

Chris (26:38):

To your point, I mean if you have a long-term strategy, right, then you’re willing to go through some pain to get the right people that are going to help you achieve that strategy. For

Rob (26:48):


Chris (26:49):

A little bit about just your thoughts on what are some of the biggest challenges you think facing the banking industry as we sit here today and maybe for the foreseeable future, obviously for the last couple of years, every month everybody’s watching the fed, so that may be part of the answer, but just what do you see as the

Rob (27:07):

Challenges? Yeah, so there’s plenty for most industries though too. So one is, and this is an excuse, but it is a challenge. The regulatory body needs to come together and be consistent and apply things consistently. That’d be helpful. We have an inverted yield curve now for the longest time, one of the longest periods in history, the two years, four, seven something, the 10 years, four, two, something that makes banking very hard for a lot of technical reasons we can go into. For most banks, technology is a problem. Most banks are an aggregation of multiple banks. They’re not like us that has one technology platform that’s by the way, brand new and totally modern banks have not been willing to, it’s been a cost cutting game because a lot of banks, this is why our strategy is so good NIM banks. So net interest margin, which is loan only, the model of taking a deposit and making a loan and achieving a return above your cost of capital through cycle, I think is very difficult.


And that’s why we supplemented our platform loans, investment banking, private wealth, all the different things we do for a client so that we can achieve that return because a lot of the banks to have that return would have to maybe make a riskier loan to get a higher spread or what have you. So I think the NIM banking model, especially after spring of 23 is hard. I think the technology spends hard. I think there’s a lot of banks that have too much commercial real estate. So our commercial real estate is a very small percentage of our total capital. Regulators want you to be maybe 250 to 300%. There’s a lot of banks that are 400, that’s too much. And when you have that much commercial real estate, remember a lot of it’s construction loans. And so the construction loans, you made that decision today and you’re funding it in two years. So that concentration, because those pay downs are like a five year low in commercial real estate is going to keep growing. So banks marginal loan, the dollar to make the next loan, the cost just went up. So they’re going to slow down their lending while the commercial real estate gets absorbed.


They can’t be relevant to their clients with anything other than the loan product. And if they’re not doing that, they’re going to slow down their growth and slow down lending. They don’t have the margin spend on technology and those are some of the

Chris (29:44):

Problems. Yeah, cascades right. Totally turn a little bit to just kind of you and leadership. How would you describe your leadership style today and maybe how you feel like it’s evolved over your career?

Rob (29:58):

I think you’ve got to do what you want other people to do. So I’m in Houston today. We’re seeing six clients. We talk all the time about, it’s about the client, not us. Ops exists to serve a client. Technology exists to serve a client, it’s not for the bank. And so we have become pretty client obsessed at Texas Capital delivering the best outcomes for our clients. I mean like the one deal I think I told you about, we so managed the largest debt deal the country last year, the largest so managed debt deal in the country last year. That’s after our money center bank failed doing it. We gave the client the best advice knowing they’d probably go with the other bank, they did, the other bank failed them, they came back to us and we did it. Now we have a client for life. So give the client the right advice, do the right thing for the client, but your people have to see you do what you want them to do. So when clients, we are aggressively serving clients, but we’ve managed the place very conservatively. And then I think candor and transparency is really important.

Chris (31:05):

I think those are great qualities. Anything that you could point to? I always think people, I’ll speak for myself, but I think I hear it in others as well. A setback or failure that you encountered, that you learned from that made you better as a leader, as a business person. Anything that comes to mind where you look back and go, wow, that was transformational because of that.

Rob (31:25):

How long do you have? No, I think we talked about junior program one that always comes to mind early on, the program early on in my career was when I was a junior, I talked to that junior class a lot and one of the things I tell ’em is be careful because building your brand sometimes is too easy if you do something great. I had some successes early on as being a good client guy, then I was the client guy. But also my brand that I got early on was as a junior was I wasn’t very good at details. And as a junior, an analyst or associate, your only job is details. And so I learned the hard way that maybe I needed to focus on the details. Now I would suggest that the people that work with me think I’m too focused on the details, but that’s because I learned the hard way as a junior and people corrected me and I’m not sure if they corrected me the wrong way or right way, that was the old days.


But they certainly made an impression. So I think that was one of the things I learned is details matter and details are important and I learned it as a junior and that stayed with me throughout my career. The other one was I think is interesting is later on when we were talking about a promotion, one of my bosses told me that I think this is really important for people to know. I think it’s true. He said, Rob, don’t my vote doesn’t matter. The vote that matters is everybody else on the floor that works with you. I’m not promoting you unless they want you promoted. And so I do think that that’s a pretty good lesson too.

Chris (32:52):

Yeah, well servant leadership for sure and that kind of team mentality

Rob (32:57):

For sure, the team

Chris (32:58):

Mentality. And I’ve said forever, I think the lessons you remember the most are the ones you learned the hard way For sure.

Rob (33:03):

So the details, right.

Chris (33:04):

So he is like, I’m not going to let that happen again.

Rob (33:07):


Chris (33:07):

Sure. That’s great. Well I appreciate you sharing those because not everyone likes to open up, but I think it’s a great quality of leadership to have that vulnerability and humility about you For sure. So I’m going to kind of move away from the business stuff and wrap things up. I want to know what was your first job?

Rob (33:22):

My first job was bagging groceries and stocking grocery shelves in high

Chris (33:27):

School. I did the same thing. Did you? Yeah, it was hot and I tell people we had to wear black pants and these kids get to wear shorts now. I’m like, this is going easy on.

Rob (33:37):

Yeah, I think one day one of the guys got mad at me, they made me restack all the, remember when people used to return the glass bottles and it was in a cage in the back of the alley, the grocery store. It was about 110 and nobody had organized them for about three months and I got that job. So no, it was a fine job.

Chris (33:54):

Very good. Alright, you’re born and raised Texas, so do you prefer Tex-Mex or barbecue?

Rob (33:58):


Chris (33:59):

Like a brisket taco. Yeah.

Rob (34:01):

That’s pretty good. Yeah. Yeah, I like that.

Chris (34:03):

Alright, and last thing, if you could take a 30 day sabbatical, where would you go and what would you do?

Rob (34:08):

I’d probably spend half of it fly fishing in Montana and half of it quail hunting in South Texas.

Chris (34:17):

There you go. Just not this time of year. Not

Rob (34:18):

This time of year. That’s

Chris (34:19):

Right. Rob, I want to thank you for taking the time. Thank you. I had no idea the details behind the transformation at Texas Capital and obviously what you and your team are doing and have done is nothing short or remarkable. So thanks for sharing

Rob (34:32):

That. Well thank you. I think we think Texas does deserve its own full service financial services firm.

Chris (34:38):

Well, I’m glad you’re delivering it.

Rob (34:40):

Thank you. Take care.

Chris (34:43):

And there we have it. Another great episode. Don’t forget to check out the show notes at and you can find out more about all the ways our firm can help you at That’s it for this episode. Have a great week and we’ll talk to you next time.

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