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Meet Ashlee Ross

Ashlee Ross

by Ashlee Ross

August 21, 2024

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Ashlee Ross

How did your career develop?

I decided to go to law school because I thought I wanted to practice First Amendment law, but once I started working for a real estate attorney, I was hooked! I love the problem-solving nature of real estate transactions and seeing a project through to completion. I’ve also really enjoyed working with doctors, practice groups, life science companies and med-tech companies on real estate matters, because it’s such a particular niche and fits with my background in healthcare real estate.

Can you share a memorable BoyarMiller Experience?

 I really enjoy my colleagues at BoyarMiller. Truly, it is a collaborative firm, and we regularly get to work with each other to solve problems for our clients. At the first Open House I attended as an attorney at BoyarMiller, a client of the firm said to me, “it seems like y’all really like each other.” I smiled as I thought, “it’s obvious – we actually do!”

What do you like to do outside of the office?

I am fortunate to live close to Hermann Park. My dog and I regularly take an evening walk to the McGovern Centennial Gardens or meander around the park on the weekend. And often I’m listening to my favorite podcast, The Popcast with Knox and Jamie because it’s a fun romp and lives up to its description of “delightful idiocy.” I started the book “Unreasonable Hospitality” yesterday.

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